Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 157-336
Indifference Digraphs: A Generalization of Indifference Graphs and Semiorders
M. Sen and B. K. Sanyal
pp. 157-165
Some New Bounds on Single-Change Covering Designs
Guo-Hui Zhang
pp. 166-171
An $O( n \log n )$ Algorithm for Bandwidth of Interval Graphs
Alan P. Sprague
pp. 213-220
A $2d - 1$ Lower Bound for Two-Layer Knock-Knee Channel Routing
Tom Leighton
pp. 230-237
The Divisors of $x^{2m} + x$ of Constant Derivatives and Degree $2^{m - 2}$
Claude Carlet
pp. 238-244
The $k$-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraph Polyhedron
Sunil Chopra
pp. 245-259
Sums of Squares of Edge Lengths and Spacefilling Curve Heuristics for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Jun Gao and J. Michael Steele
pp. 314-324